6 Key Digital Marketing Terms Explained

6 Key Digital Marketing Terms

You have decided to get some help from a digital marketing agency in Sydney, but you are worried that you won’t understand all the digital marketing terminology. Here are some simple explanations for relevant digital marketing company terms.

  1. Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is any form of marketing that makes use of any electronic device (computers, phones, laptops, tablets) or the Internet to promote a business, product, or service. This includes websites, email, social media, and social networks. In short, this is any online means that is employed to attract potential customers.

  1. SEO

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) refers to a range of different methods employed by a digital agency to top-rate a website when a search is done on a search engine. The purpose of engaging these techniques is to take your website to the top of the list when a potential customer searches for your type of product or service.

  1. SEA

Search Engine Advertising (SEA), also known as Pay Per Click (PPC), is a type of advertising that a digital marketing agency will recommend to increase the traffic to your website, which in turn can lead to increased sales and revenues. This paid form of advertising is an effective technique to propel your site to the top of search engine listings. Your listing will appear above free or organic listings.

  1. Organic Listings

Organic listings are those that come up naturally on a search engine search. This happens when the listed site meets the requirements of the search. Your digital marketing agency will help you add the appropriate keywords to your website to boost your organic presence.

  1. CTR

Click-Through Rate (CTR) is a measure of how many times your advert was seen versus how many times it was clicked on. Your digital agency in Sidney will assist you in evaluating your CTR and offering solutions on how to improve this ratio.

  1. Remarketing

Have you noticed after you have searched for something, it pops up in adverts on other platforms? This is remarketing at work. Your digital marketing agency in Sydney will help you reconnect with people who have previously visited your website, reinforcing brand awareness and potentially converting this lead into a customer.

Now is the time to build your online presence and boost your business. Contact the experienced, friendly, digital agency staff in Sydney at One-Stop Digital today for a FREE website and digital marketing review.



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