How to Write Google Ads Copy That Converts

Creating effective Google Ads copy can feel tricky but it’s all about making a real connection with your audience. One that lets them know they’ve found a business they can trust and rely on. At its core, ad copy should be more than words on a screen — it should speak to people and encourage action.

So how do you write Google Ads copy that does all this? Here’s what you need to know:

Know Who You’re Talking To

It seems pretty on the nose, but understanding your audience really is key. You can’t write ads that grab attention if you don’t know what your potential customers care about. Start by researching their needs, goals and the types of solutions they’re looking for. Once you’ve got that insight, shape your message to address their biggest pain points or desires.

Keep Headlines Clear and Catchy 

Your headline is like a handshake — it makes the first impression. Aim for something simple yet powerful that grabs attention right away. For example, a headline like “Boost Your Productivity in Minutes” can immediately tell users how your product or service will make their life easier.

Sell Benefits, Not Just Features

Instead of just listing what your product does, explain how it helps the customer. Let’s say you’re offering a software tool. Instead of focusing on its speed, highlight how it will save time or reduce stress. Show them why they need what you’re offering. If they can visualise themselves benefiting from your product or service, chances are they will buy it.

Calls to Action Matter 

Don’t leave people wondering what to do next. Always include a clear call to action like “Shop Now” or “Get Started”. This gives users the nudge they need to take the next step, whether that’s buying, signing up or learning more.

Use Emotion to Connect 

People make decisions based on feelings as much as facts. By weaving emotional triggers into your copy, like excitement or urgency, you can motivate users to click. Phrases like “Don’t Miss Out” or “Limited Time Offer” tap into a fear of missing out, making your ad more compelling.

Always Be Testing

Testing is the only way to know what’s really working. Try different versions of your ads and see which ones perform best. Whether it’s tweaking the headline or changing the call to action, A/B testing lets you refine your approach to get better results.

If your Google Ads copy just isn’t striking the right chord, following these few tips is a great place to start. We’re here to help you create ads that drive results, so get in touch and we’ll help you craft Google Ads copy that clicks — literally.


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