Google Advertising In Sydney Explained

Google advertising

If you’ve done some research about online marketing, you will no doubt have discovered that Google Advertising in Sydney is recommended for your company. But what is it, how can it help you and can you afford it?

What Is Google Advertising?

Google Ads is an online advertising program brought to you by Google. The adverts that you create will be presented online in a way that maximises their exposure to people that are specifically interested in the product or service that you offer, thereby increasing traffic to your website.

Can I Afford Google Advertising?

The short answer is Yes. You can specify and control your budget, and there is no minimum spending commitment. The better question to be asking is if your business can afford to not use Google Ads? The benefit and impact of your ads can be tracked and monitored, putting you in control.

Where Can My Ad Appear?

Depending on the type of ad and your preferences, your advert can appear in some or all these places:

  • Google searches (when users search for your type of product or service and your selected keywords).
  • Paid ads that match the search criteria can appear above organic listings (unpaid listings that also meet the criteria).
  • Search results of Google search partners. 
  • On websites visited by your customers as they browse the web.
  • Google Display Network (for example Google Finance, Gmail, Blogger and YouTube).
  • Different devices, including desktop, laptop, mobiles and tablets.
  • In specific locations from local to national to international.

Why Choose Google Advertising?

With Google being the most popular search engine and handling billions of searches daily, and adverts appearing on other platforms through the Google Display Network, Google Ads has an extensive reach. As a result, it is an effective tool not only for building brand awareness but also for increasing traffic and ultimately improving your bottom line.

The versatile offering means that there is something for every business regardless of size, budget and advertising goals. And remember, Google Ads is a pay-per-click (PPC) solution, so you only pay when ads are clicked to visit your website. Additionally, the system allows for continuous tweaking to optimise the target audience.

For help with Google advertising in Sydney, contact One Stop Digital today. Speak to one of our friendly staff for a FREE website and marketing review.


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